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YMMV / Ultima Online

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  • Demonic Spiders -
    • Seriously, is there a magical enemy that doesn't follow the poison-paralyze-flamestrike pattern ?
    • Ilshenar has paragon monsters, which are basically much more powerful versions of normal monsters with golden skin. While normally weak monsters are only nuisances, the more powerful ones (such as balrons or ancient wyrms) are harder than some bosses. Also, every creature has a 5 percent chance of spawning as a paragon, meaning you're pretty much guaranteed to encounter at least one when clearing a whole dungeon.
  • Fanon: Shards from the Gem of Immortality can make up any number of alternate Britannia worlds. Private servers are considered one of the many shards from the gem, and some have their own backstory.
  • Game-Breaker - Many over the years, magic, plate mages, crossbows, animal taming, bards, and of course "Vas Corp Por".
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff - The game is bigger in South Korea than it is in the US.
  • Goddamned Bats - Sewer rats and slimes. They're everywhere. They pose no threat to anybody, but they tend to interrupt healing and spellcasting with their nips.
  • More Popular Spin-Off: Many UO players have never heard of the single-player Ultima RPGs, or have never played them.
  • Never Live It Down: The game is best remembered for Lord British getting killed and how the developers underestimated the power of the G.I.F.T.
  • Obvious Beta: The Renaissance expansion was published in a non-functional state out of the box until a patch made the expansion playable.
  • Older Than They Think: The game is often incorrectly thought to be the Ur-Example of MMORPGs, when in fact Meridian 59 beat it by two years.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks! - Very nearly everything they've ever changed. Trammel, the notoriety system, labeling potions so you can't give newbies purple ones to watch 'em blow up. Stopping potions from chain-exploding et cetera. EVE Online was originally created by a group of former players upset at the restrictions to PVP and griefing.
