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YMMV / Two of These People Are Lying

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: Episode 1 takes an abrupt left turn at the 10:04 mark when Matt notices a spider on the ceiling, and Tom points out that it's in the camera shot. They immediately move on as if nothing happened, and it's never mentioned again.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer:
    • In Episode 2, Tom asks Gary to confirm if there's a blackbird called the "Turdus Turdus". While the "Turdus" part is indeed correct (as that's the genus of bird), there's no black bird with that name specifically in the original Latin.
    • In a later episode, this is actually a Discussed Trope; Matt and Tom mention that they do this to themselves when talking to friends, and they realise that what they were saying to them was used on the series as a basis of a lie.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: The use of national stereotypes returns this series, especially towards Australia.
    Tom: I'd like to apologize to the entire nation of Australia... again.
    Gary: I wouldn't!
    Chris: Again.
  • Spiritual Antithesis: Compared to Citation Needed, this show is almost completely antithetical to the prior show in many ways:
    • Instead of Tom simply playing host and watching the insanity, he's now a central participant in the mayhem.
    • Where Citation Needed was built around Tom knowing the contents of the topic and the other three having to guess, this show is based around Tom picking a topic he knows nothing about and guessing which of the other three is giving truthful information about the topic.
    • The show does some Revisiting the Roots; the show is once again filmed in the living room of a house rather than a studio, many of the long-lived running gags from this show are scrapped, the setup is now much more minimalist (2 cameras and 4 cheap microphones compared to a multitude of camera angles and professionally recorded audio), etc.
