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YMMV / Transformers: Last Bot Standing

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  • Awesome Art: Roche and Su both being veteran Transformers artists don't disappoint. This splash page depicting a collage of the Great War from Rodimus' memories being a highlight, notable for being such a collection of characters from the various parts of the franchise rather than just being G1-centric.
  • Funny Moments: Yeah, the tone of the comic is pretty grim, but there's something darkly comedic about Wheelie's only option to stop Hot Rod being literally biting at his ankles... followed by Hot Rod picking up and punting Wheelie so hard that he flies off into space.
    • After Rodimus meets the Visitors and tries to jog their memory about what the war was about and who fought in it, they don't even remember Optimus or Megatron, let alone him. And yet, untold millions of years worth of deleted memories later, Thunderclash is still so unbelievably charismatic that they recall him perfectly the moment his name comes up in conversation. Poor Rodimus still can't escape his shadow.
    • With Rodimus getting a power boost from a Cyber-Key, several of the Visitors - remnants of different Combiner teams - do what comes natural and try to combine. The end result calls themself... Unstoppimus. Rodimus laments that the war must have finally run everyone dry of resources and names.
  • Unexpected Character: Fair to say not many expected to see Moon, a pet character from the Japanese anime Beast Wars II, show up in what's advertised as a hypothetical last Transformers story.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Many readers have noted that, while he is ultimately trying to stop other races from suffering from their actions, Rodimus is effectively conducting genocide on his own kind in the process, and had fully desired to kill The Visitors even before learning about their using biofuel. And while he calls out Steeljaw and Wheelie's reasoning as ultimately self-serving, they are correct in stating Rodimus doesn't have the right to decide whether the Cybertronian race gets to live or die, and is ultimately no better than them for brutally killing his own kind to protect the people of Donnokt. His treatment of Strongarm and Gripper via flashbacks in particular exemplifies this, as despite being their friend, he refuses to let Strongarm leave to search for other Cybertronians in favor of consigning them to a slow death, admonishes Gripper for saying they didn't have the right to execute a group of Decepticons that landed on Donnokt, and then later tries to clip the wing of their ship when Strongarm tries fleeing in a panic following Gripper's death, only to end up accidentally killing her instead.
