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YMMV / Tokyo Necro

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  • Awesome Art:
    • While the use of 3D graphics can lead to sporadic quality, when it lands, then boy does it land with some stunningly well choregraphed scenes and fluid animation.
    • Whenever food is involved, expect the art to be lavishly and meticulously created.
    • One thing that makes Tokyo Necro stand out from other visual novels is just the sheer number of unique pieces of character art there is. Whereas other VN's keep minor characters as only voices or as some kind of simple stock asset, this one gives even the numerous nameless undead unique sprites with designs that match whatever the current location is, even if they are just to be turned to mush in a single scene.
  • Awesome Music:
    • The rocking opening theme "Requiem" sets the tone for the thrill ride this VN will be.
    • Mitsumi's leitmotif, "Burning Blade", is blood pumping rock piece mixed with traditional samurai elements to fit the local no nonsense street samurai.
    • Whenever "Departed" starts playing things are sure to heat up with this energetic track serving as a backdrop for some of the VN's most exciting scenes.
    • The track "Shimmering Snow", a song reserved for only the most climactic moments.
  • Funny Moments:
    • A small moment, but when So'un gets saddled with taking care of Ilia he is actually so out of his element that he tries to use his combat computer for advice.
    • When searching the Ikeburo CPC, Ilia complains about having to climb five flights of stairs only for Tokitaka to chime in over the com and note that he had to climb sixty. Ilia retorts by stating that he probably drooled like a pervert as he got off on counting the floors, to which he blurts out a "How did you know?".
    • When Mitsumi decides to join forces with the Karasuzumi Agency, she proclaims that she only cares about seeing Milgram dead. The members of Karasuzumi without missing a beat proclaims that she then would have no issue with them taking the 230 million yen bounty for themselves. Mitsumi's stoic demeanor promptly crumbles.
    • Another moment with Mitsumi not long after has her burst into Frozen Nirvana to ask Con Su for So'un's phone number due to her being to embarrassed to ask him in person. When Con Su refuses as to not leak any client info, Mitsumi proceeds to strip herself near naked in order to try and "pay" Con Su only to then notice that Ethica had been there the entire time and promptly rushing off. The whole thing was so absurd that both Ethica and Con Su admit it took the air out of the moment.
    • Ethica's and Con Su's date. At first Ethica has to practically drag the girl out of her home, then they both end up at an arcade with Ethica getting thoroughly trounced much to her frustration. And then finally, as part of a bet for having lost the game, Con Su have them visit a restaurant that sells food that is so burning hot that even Ethica's Ex-Brain keeps on telling her to get the hell out of there. The whole thing ends up being a riot start to finish.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • One wouldn't expect it out of a woman such as Ethica, but she ends up showing quite the caring and understanding side towards Con Su.
    • In the conclusion of Iria's route Ethica shows her caring side once again, this time for So'un, as well as the rest of Karasuzumi Living Dead Stalker Agency all showing that they all really care for him in their own ways, all of which helps him accept and move on from Iria's death.
    • Near the climax of Kiriri's route, after Ethica finally managed to beat So'un, the two have a brief heart to heart where it becomes clear just how much they care for each other before she gives him the eternal rest.
    • The true ending. The rest of the Energy Elite carries out Sophia's wish of the Tokyo Rebirth Project, So'un and Iria are finally able to meet again and express their love, Ethica and Kiriri do the same all while the skies clear, the sun rises and the Tokyo and Osaka Megafloats join together to carry out the final part of the plan and Sub-Con get's to meet her Osaka counterpart.
  • Shocking Moments: While a lot of things went down in The Fortress during Iria's route, the reveal that the person Ethica killed was in fact not Olga, but rather the very person she was there to save, Mitsumi, left quite the impact.
  • Special Effect Failure: While Nitro+ has worked with 3D animation in the past, it has never been on this kind of scale before and it shows. While some scenes are lovingly rendered and animated, others, especially those done in-engine, can suffer from odd and stilted movement and as a result ends up undermining some scenes.
  • Tear Jerker: Mixed with heartwarming, but in Con Su's route, as Kiriri force Ethica to the lotus garden where they usually spend their free time, the former finally manages to get the latter to let out her pent up emotions over the fact that she is no longer amongst the living and that her time is limited, eventually breaking down in tears.
