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YMMV / The You Testament

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation:
    • It's pretty easy to find yourself Rooting for the Empire and seeing Jesus/Muhammad (or their right-hand man, you) as a villain, as Daeren proves. With how the dynamic goes and how broken you can make yourself, you could easily become The Heavy Dragon to their Big Bad.
    • Considering how you have to betray Jesus despite your loyalty in addition to providing a kind of Broken Aesop would basically mean you were Judas the whole time.
  • Better as a Let's Play: Watching LPers react to the weirdness of the game and struggle with the bizarre user interface can be quite entertaining, especially if the player is someone well versed in history who can point out all the inaccuracies.
  • Heartwarming Moments: The ending of The Making of a Prophet, where you take in a protege that, if unaltered, will look similar to Muhammad, your mentor.
  • Obvious Beta: Of the late beta sort - playable, but clearly wonky, and never receiving proper quality assurance testing. The creator himself said he rarely plays his own games when he's "done" with them; it's pretty obvious that this includes not doing any playtesting.
  • So Bad, It's Good: The poor graphics, chaotic NPC behavior, and numerous cases of Artistic License make this game very surreal and fun to play, or at least to watch. Special mentions go to the loading screen quotes that can be especially hilarious seeing in a Christianity-themed game, coming from people like Tupac Shakur, Kanye West, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and most infamously, OSAMA BIN LADEN.
  • Special Effect Failure: A lot of the graphical shortcuts taken by MDickie are really obvious: There's no skybox (the backgrounds are all just plain domes where you can walk up to the mountains a la The Truman Show), the characters' Mouth Flaps are animated as moving black blobs on their faces, and their blinking is animated by having their eyeballs recede into their heads.
  • Tear Jerker: Khadijah's death near the beginning of The Making Of A Prophet. "My queen has died. I was so busy talking about God that I forgot I had a Goddess at home."
