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YMMV / The Weekenders

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  • Adorkable: Tino. Comic lover, shrilly scream, and very awkward around his crush, Tasha.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Tish at the end of "Tish's Hair", where she reverts to her original hairstyle. There's three possible reasons: first is the one that she gives, where she simply decided she didn't like it or found it too goofy. A second possibility is that she became aware of the other kids styling it like that and pointedly went against the trend. A third is that she actually guessed that her friends were trying to tell her they didn't like it, she agreed with them and made up the excuse to spare their feelings.
  • Awesome Music: The theme song, sung by comedian/singer Wayne Brady (best known for Whose Line Is It Anyway?—which at the time was also an ABC show—and Let's Make a Deal).
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment There are a few of these in the series, but the most egregious example is the episode when Jennifer Love Hewitt pops out of absolutely nowhere to try to get Tino to develop a crush on her. What.
  • Creator's Pet: While arguably the least popular of the main characters, Tish seemed to get a lot of episodes focused around her.
  • Cult Classic: The series is mostly forgotten by casual viewers, but retains a strong fanbase of 2000s kids.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Tino's mother is widely regarded as one of, if not the, best mother in television history for how utterly understanding and supportive she is of her son and his friends, and the way she completely defied the Adults Are Useless trope.
  • Genius Bonus:
    • The first bad event that happens in "The Awful Weekend" is Tino breaking a shoelace. Breaking a shoelace is considered an omen of bad things to come.
    • Some of the books Tish reads are, really, not appropriate for her age.
      Tish: This is a story for all ages, it's called Oedipus Rex.
    • "To Be or Not to Be", where Tish acts in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, is a lot funnier if you've read the play. Tish briefly stops hanging out with the group after they make fun of Shakespeare, but relents when she realizes that her adult castmates look down on her for playing a "lesser" part. Peaseblossom, the character that Tish plays, is only in one scene.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In "The Perfect Weekend", Tino looks around in a clothing store and finds a bin full of "Irregular Socks". He pulls out one that loosely resembles Finn the Human's trademark hat.
    • In "Cry", the local pizzeria has a "futuristic"-styled machine that makes pizza and "prints" it. Such a thing exists.
  • Ship Mates: For an event she planned, Tish suggests Tino/Tasha, Carver/Moira, Lor/Thompson and herself/Bluke. All of these pairings, except maybe Tish/Bluke, have been largely accepted by the fandom.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Lor's mother, despite being the only other female in the house, doesn't have much of a presence and is rarely shown. It's her dad that gives her the pep talks.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: The presence of bulky cell phones, Cathode-Ray tube monitors, CD-ROMs, as well as the characters' fashion trends are all very much a thing of the early 2000s.
  • Values Resonance:
    • Tino's mother explaining to Tino about what the meaning behind Be Yourself means — it's not "be yourself and they'll like you" because that leads to entitlement and false hope; it means be yourself because you shouldn't pretend to be something you aren't and you'll end up miserable.
    • Ms. Tonitini is one of the earliest depictions in 2000s animated TV shows who was an aversion of Adults Are Useless and comedic Abusive Parents who was still able to be likable, wise, funny, well-rounded, and a good parent.
    • This post explains some of the gender nonconforming attitude the four main characters had.
  • Wangst: Tish's attempt at getting Tino to show emotions in "Cry":
    Tish: (weeps) I SPILLED MY CHUG-A-FREE-EE-EEZE!!!!
    Tish: Of course it's sad! I ruined a $20 blouse!
