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YMMV / The Truth About Cats & Dogs

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  • Broken Aesop: "Handsome charming guy chooses girl over her attractive rival, based upon nothing but her personality and smarts." That Aesop assumes the viewer finds Abby and by extension Janeane Garofalo far less attractive than Noelle/Uma Thurman.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Janeane Garofalo would play a camp counselor who ends up pregnant by the movie's end five years later.
  • Les Yay: Some fans may have preferred that Noelle and Abby ended up with each other instead of Brian, not least because they seem very physically cosy (holding hands whilst shopping etc) and helped by this exchange:
    Abby: If I was a guy, I think women would, like, line up to go out with me. I'm smart. I have a good sense of humor. I make a great living.
    Noelle: I'd fuck you.
    Abby: Thank you, honey. I know you would.
