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YMMV / The Tiger Makes Out

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  • Ending Fatigue: The film could have ended like the play it was based on, with Ben and Gloria planning to meet again. But after they consummate their relationship, Gloria goes back home. Ben follows her and gets run over by luggage carts. Ben rides with Gloria on the train. Gloria gets off at her stop. Ben stalks her home. He's noticed by Gloria's husband, and Gloria and her husband jump on the bed so much that their heads go through the ceiling (and probably would have suffocated if the police hadn't started to arrive). Ben runs away from the police. Then the movie finally ends, when Ben is lying in the bed with his landlady and her husband.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Ben is a mean-tempered, antisocial know-it-all who looks down on everyone who passes him by as stupid and uncultured, and he's a sexual predator at worst. The thing is, however, his life is horrible. He has relentless bad luck. His neighbours and colleagues don't recognise him even though he's been seeing them for years, his landlord rips him off by having him pay the rent even though she sold the apartment three years before... nobody gives him a break!
