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YMMV / The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2007)

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Hoyt, By Himself: Sergeant Chow is the massive, sadistic head of a Communist POW Camp. Chow horribly abuses and tortures the prisoners of his camp on a daily basis, being introduced after having beaten and pissed on one for laughs. Forcing the men in his prison to work themselves into exhaustion, Chow executes any who give out from weakness and for a bevy of other petty reasons. When the camp is cut off from supplies, Chow wastes little time before butchering and cannibalizing the prisoners in his care, forcing other prisoners to consume the meat of their fellow man lest they starve.
    • Cut!: The Cook is a gluttonous cannibal who uses the annual "Meat Fests" in his home state to lure victims to his home to be murdered and eaten by his family. In the Cook's latest batch of four victims, he plays twisted games with the Sole Survivor Mike before making sure Mike is alive and conscious as he begins carving into him. Afterwards, the Cook prepares for more victims at next year's Meat Fest, ready to claim more lives for his cooking that he feeds to unsuspecting innocents.
  • Ugly Cute: Leatherface at times appears like this without his mask.
