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YMMV / The Simpsons S 8 E 12 Mountain Of Madness

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  • Funny Moments: Mr. Burns accidentally hitting the cabin's propane tank to launch the "rocket house" down the mountain.
    Homer: (praying) Oh Lord, protect this rocket house, and all who dwell within the rocket house.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In his madness, Mr. Burns thinks that Homer will kill him and ride his carcass down the mountain to safety. In the episode "King of the Hill" the following season, Homer does exactly that to a man (although Homer didn't kill him; he had frozen to death beforehandnote ).
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • "Hmm, your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.". It's frequently used as The Stinger for Dark Simpsons's videos.
    • The scene where Burns hallucinates Homer surrounded by various world leaders is another widely circulated shot online, with one common joke being that they're Homer's Stand or comparing it to fan-made Sans battles.
