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YMMV / The Simpsons S6E14 "Bart's Comet"

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  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: Sticking basically unrelated riders onto other bills in an effort to either torpedo a popular measure or let an unpopular one get its foot in the door is hardly uncommon. Just ask Florida's Amendment 9.
  • Genius Bonus: "Principal Kohoutek" is a reference to Comet Kohoutek, which passed by the Sun in 1973. It was named for the man who discovered it, Czech astronomer Luboš Kohoutek.
  • One-Scene Wonder: The Hysterical Man at the town meeting who cries out to Professor Frink, "Quit stalling! WHAT'S THE PLAN?!"
  • Woolseyism: Bart's "Race you to Utah, Milhouse." quip when he tries to run away from Skinner is changed in the Latin American translation to "run to Patagonia", which takes Run for the Border way up to eleven. In Italian, instead, it became "to Mexico".
