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YMMV / The Simpsons S 15 E 21 Bart Mangled Banner

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  • Anvilicious: Let's just say this episode really goes after post-9/11 patriotism hard. As in, "people getting thrown in Alcatraz for anti-patriotic Thought Crime" hard.
  • Americans Hate Tingle: In America the episode has had mixed reactions, with some viewers thinking it's a somewhat humorous satire of America's post-9/11 patriotism. However, outside of America, the episode is universally regarded as one of the series' worsts. This is because the entire episode revolves around satirizing American nationalism, a theme that doesn't resonate with global audiences for obvious reasons. Consequently, the humor and commentary in the episode become unintelligible to anyone not well-versed in American politics. The fact that the episode hasn't aged well, given the considerable decline in post-9/11 patriotism over the years, further tarnishes its reputation.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • Elmo depicted as being a political prisoner, who later hangs himself in his cell. In 2012, Kevin Clash, the puppeteer and voice of Elmo, left Sesame Street amid allegations of molesting underage boys. He didn't get convicted, but his career took a massive hit and it definitely changes the context of the line "Elmo went to wrong fundraiser."
    • Similarly the joke about Al Franken also isn't so funny anymore after he was forced to resign from the senate in 2018 during the height of the "MeToo" movement.
  • Unintentional Period Piece:
    • The episode is a 22-minute Take That! aimed at the Patriot Act, which was signed in October 26, 2001, following 9/11.
    • The cable show "Headbutt" that the Simpsons appear on was a parody of the long-running CNN debate show "Crossfire"(with Nash Castor being a reference to then-current host Tucker Carlson who was infamous for getting loud and obnoxious on the show, especially with guests who didn't agree with him, which came to a head when Jon Stewart appeared on the show and harshly criticized the entire format of the show) which was cancelled in 2005 (which many blamed on the aforementioned incident with Stewart, though the show did get a brief revival from 2013-2014) as CNN wanted to move away those kinds of "Head-butting debate shows".
