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YMMV / The Return to Gravity Falls

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: After the reveal that Zander is the Guardsman, fans and characters alike are split on their opinions of him. There are those who agree with Dipper that he lied to them from minute one, is still doing so, and can't be trusted, then there are those who agree with Mabel that, despite him holding secrets, he has helped them and is definitely on their side, and he probably has good reason for not telling them everything.
  • I Knew It!: Some minor stuff EZB predicted came true eventually, namely concept ideas for certain episodes.
  • Spoil at Your Own Risk: In Duskhope, EZB reveals that there are a handful of people who know what’s up with Wendy's secret, and warns them that they will be smited with all the fury he could muster if they were caught spoiling anything.
  • Spoiled by the Format: In the author’s note for the first chapter, EZB said that season one would have ten episodes, so anyone who read that piece of information knew the twins would not really leave at the end of the first episode.
