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YMMV / The Presidents of the United States of America

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  • Chorus-Only Song: "Peaches."
  • Covered Up: Their version of "Cleveland Rocks" by Ian Hunter, after having been a theme song for The Drew Carey Show.
  • Crazy Is Cool: Not many bands take half the strings off their instruments just to simplify their sound, but the Presidents did just that and made six albums with it.
  • Ending Fatigue: "Puffy Little Shoes."
  • Epic Riff: Man oh man, the "Kick Out the Jams" and "Cleveland Rocks" covers.
  • First Installment Wins: The debut will always be the de facto Presidents record, and they occasionally performed the album in its entirety into the 2010s.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: "Back Porch" is about an old man who later gets into a music performance. One of the reasons the group disbanded in 2016 was they thought they were getting too old to perform, even though at the time they were only in their late 40s (Finn) or early 50s (Ballew & McKeag).
  • Parody Displacement: "Lump" was spoofed by "Weird Al" Yankovic as "Gump", which summarizes Forrest Gump, and has indeed passed the popularity of the original song to modern listeners.
  • Sophomore Slump/It's the Same, Now It Sucks!: Critics and fans alike found II underwhelming.
  • Squick: The Hidden Track on Pure Frosting is a 20-second track with the band simply repeating "HOT! CARL!" again and again. For those who don't know what a hot Carl is, you probably don't want to either.
  • Tough Act to Follow: Depressingly, they've never come close to matching the success of the self-titled debut.
