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YMMV / The Lost Scrolls

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  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Boy, is this the book for you.
    • Early on, the group spots a young Roman soldier get his horse stolen, and he's sincerely about to kill himself before Mary stops him. Even after the scene is over, it's implied he'll still suffer heavy consequences.
    • When the group reach the outskirts of Jerusalem they discover a terrible sight - the Romans have been crucifying hundreds of Jewish prisoners along the hills outside it to intimidate the rebels. It's Christ's execution - which was considered horrific even in its time - multiplied. The sight is so bad Mary starts praying out loud for strength to handle this and everyone joins her circle.
    • When the group pass into Jerusalem, it's night, and they can't see the bodies in the ditch the Jews have been throwing in. They can just smell them. Later when they're making their escape it's daytime, so they reach the walls and see the bodies of thousands of people rotting in the sun.
    • Harry watches the fall of Jerusalem from his tower cell and sees stampedes where people are crushing each other in the rush.
    • The Sons of the Elect are so crazy they're planning to kill themselves with poison before the Romans can get them, convinced that reading the Book of Matthew will let them automatically ascend to Heaven.
