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YMMV / The Iron Heart

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  • Funny Moments: From Episode 5: some poor sap who got his cash stolen by Venus randomly performs a backflip during his outburst. And he fails.
    • Basically every scene with Poseidon in it is guaranteed to have these moments.
    • Also any scene with Kules in Season 2, except for the scene where he confronts Hera for the death of his parents, causing them to have a fight where he accidentally stabs Hera in self-defense.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The acid grenade's effects in the earlier episodes. During Apollo's fight against Damon and his men, we see Damon throw an acid grenade on a unsuspecting passenger of a truck and get a lovely shot of the acid melting a hole on his back.
    • The ruthlessness of the Altare are demonstrated in several episodes, with their use of psychological torture to torment whoever they captured, and them throwing one of Selene's bodyguards to a rock crusher.
  • The Woobie: Apollo, who endured a series of losses during his mission to bring down Tatsulok in Season 1, and later on Altare in Season 2. Even before he took on the mission, he had to endure hardship as his family was branded as criminals in his youth, and his adoptive father was killed during a holdup on the bus they were riding on.
