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YMMV / The Interface Series

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  • Bizarro Episode: Post 49, "The Old Apple Nullity", is completely unlike the serious Cosmic Horror Story tone of the other entries. It takes place in a world that seems to be completely different from either of the main timelines of the series, instead set in a world where trees don't exist and a boy hangs his tire swing from literally nothing, referred to as an "existential nullity". The boy is told to chop down the nullity and does so, somehow. It turns out that trees in this world have been replaced with... giant flayed demon penises. This post is promptly never mentioned again, as if it never existed.
  • Nausea Fuel: The story isn't just scary, it's also absolutely disgusting. The worst is probably the depictions of people who've been fully immersed in virtual reality for years to the point of ending up surrounded by their own filth and needing medical help to leave their pods.
