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YMMV / The Horus Hersey: Legions

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  • Narm: Ezekyle Abaddon, the future Warmaster of Chaos, the man who would become Horus's greatest living heir, the man who would come to be known as The Despoiler, was given an impenetrable Scottish accent in this game. True, he's violent enough, but SCOTTISH ABADDON?
  • Nerf: For a while, Desperate Defense was one of the most dreaded Tactics in the game: it's expensive at 10, but in its original incarnation it summoned two random troops from the deck and gave them Front Line. Needless to say, decks that ran Saul Tarvitz of the Emperor's Children made good use of it, filling up with overpowered end-game troops then using his ability and other methods of cheapening card costs to play Desperate Defense at a bargain. The result was two obscenely powerful troops hitting the field far too early for the opponent to have a chance at defending against them. This was later given an errata so that only one troop could be summoned: still bad news for the opponent, but not hopeless.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: For a long time, Luther was considered one of the worst Legendary Warlords in the game. On top of entirely lacking a transformation, he had an only moderately decent effect (weaken an opposing unit by by three attack for one turn) that is absolutely worthless without troops to take advantage of it, and is entirely overshadowed by the likes of Zahariel, Cypher and Merir Astelan, the first being able to generate field presence for two energy and kill any troop once per game, the second being able to search Tactics at will and reliably pull off some insane combos and the last packing the potential to deal up to thirty damage in a single turn with a bit of setup as well as generate field presence in the meantime. A patch remedied this, however, giving Luther a transformation to the Arch-Betrayer, and almost immediately he became lauded as one of the best Warlords in the game: on top of an absolutely phenomenal effect (permanently take over any opposing troop with five or less help for the bargain price of two energy), lowering the transformation cost is reliant on summoning Duplicitous troops (read: the vast majority of Defenders of Caliban troops, not to mention Tactics like Caliban's Heart), which isn't something the opponent can really stop Luther from doing.
