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YMMV / The Emperor and the Goddess

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  • Adorkable: Most reviewers and the writer consider Byleth and Edelgard to be this.
  • Bizarro Episode: Chapter 36, is one of the few chapters that doesn't take place in Edelgard's perspective, instead being from Byleth's, what makes this chapter more peculiar is the Second-Person Narration make it sound like something coming from a Gamebook.
  • Crack Pairing: Caspar x Kronya is probably one of the wildest ideas for a Three Houses pairing.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: This story has Kronya pull a Heel–Face Turn and take Monica's name for her own. Warriors: Three Hopes would have the actual Monica survive and rejoin the Black Eagles.
  • Super Couple: As the title suggest, the fic has a heavy focus into a particular pairing (Edelgard x Byleth), which the fans of The Emperor and the Goddess love every moment it gets to develop further.
  • Unexpected Character: While it was expected that certain characters would be recruited into the Black Eagles, no one expected Monica/Kronya to become part of the party.
