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YMMV / The Desert Storm

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  • Catharsis Factor: Given all the horrible things he's gotten away with and the trauma that his future self inflicted on Ben, seeing Palpatine finally get exposed as the monster that he truly is to everyone present at Padmé's coronation is incredibly satisfying to read.
  • Crack Pairing: Suffice to say, no one was expecting Shmi and Tholme to end up as a couple. The two have never met in either canon or Legends and there’s a notable age difference between them.
  • Creepy Awesome: Ben straddles the line between this, in the view of the Jedi (it's explicitly mentioned that his reputation straddles the line between 'terrifying' and 'badass') and most everyone else who encounters him—even Mandalorians think he's insane. Jai Sheelal, the Kaleesh warlord who in another life became General Grievous and has a dash of talent as a Seer explicitly compares Ben to a Karabbac, an apex predator, in his POV section despite Ben being severely wounded at the time. This becomes a nickname that he and Lij Kummar, his wife, use for Ben—though they, unlike most, just feel this makes him more awesome.
