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YMMV / The Death of Clark Kent

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  • Heartwarming Moments: Before dying, Conduit straps Jimmy Olsen into a seemingly unbeatable deathtrap so that he can get a posthumous strike in at Superman. Supes naturally becomes angry and distraught as he tries everything he can think of to no avail...which is when Jimmy speaks up and quietly tells him that it's okay and he shouldn't blame himself. Jimmy isn't looking forward to whatever horrific way the trap ends up killing him either, but he spends (what he thinks will be) his last few minutes trying to comfort his best friend.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Jimmy walks in on Ron Troupe comforting Lucy Lane about his disappearance and teases Ron about flirting with his girlfriend, which became that much funnier after Lucy and Ron married.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Conduit. In the end, all he wanted was to be special like Superman. Even in-universe, Superman mourns and pities him after his death.
  • Older Than They Think: Fifteen years before the creation of Conduit, Superboy 1980 issue #3 introduced Joseph Silver, Clark Kent's old schoolmate who held a grudge against him and became a supervillain.
