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YMMV / The Dark Artifices

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  • Even Better Sequel: This series is generally seen as better than its predecessor The Mortal Instruments.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: You have Jemma (Julian and Emma) and Kitty (Kit and Ty).
  • The Woobie: Julian. His mother died of cancer, his older brother got kidnapped by faeries and he was forced to kill his father who was Brainwashed and Crazy and tried to kill his younger brother. Then his older sister got banished and Julian and his younger siblings were left with only their uncle to take care of them and run the institute. However Julian soon found out that his uncle was mentally ill. If that came out Julian and his younger siblings would be send to different foster families/institutes, so he hid it. This meant that Julian, at the age of twelve, had to take care of his four younger siblings and run the institute in secret.
