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YMMV / The Avengers (2023)

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  • Genius Bonus: The Twilight Court and their nods to Arthurian Legend:
    • Bercilak is clad in green. Bercilak is known as the Green Knight.
    • Lancelot is clad in red. Lancelot was known as the Red Knight when fighting Galehaut for the first time.
    • Lancelot's loyalty to Arthur has been interpreted as romantic love by some scholars.
    • Galehaut is a lesbian in love with Lancelot. In myth, while Galehaut was a male, he also had romantic feelings to Lancelot.
    • Mordred's title of the Witch, as a counter to Wanda, refers to her mother the sorceress Morgause (popular myth has claimed Morgause's more famous sister Morgan LeFaye as Mordred's mother).
  • Win Back the Crowd: Jason Aaron's Avengers run was controversial for numerous reasons such as unpopular changes to certain characters' histories and personalities, and story arcs that dragged on too long. The announcement of Jed MacKay as the writer, along with the return of Vision and Scarlet Witch to the roster, was met with enthusiasm.
