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YMMV / The American Society of Magical Negroes

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  • Bile Fascination: Because of its utterly ridiculous title, negative reception and the fact it was pulled from theaters after just three weeks due to bombing that badly, a good number of people watch this movie out of sheer curiosity to see how awful the film really is.
  • Memetic Mutation: "One ticket to The American Society of Magical *mumble*."Explanation
  • Tainted by the Preview: When the first trailer was released, it was massively criticized and ridiculed on social media given how its entire premise ended up offending both white AND black audiences. Explanation
  • Uncertain Audience: In hindsight, putting a race trope so old-fashioned that its name is uncomfortable for many audiences to say out loud right there in the title was a sign the film was probably overestimating the average viewer. The fundamental premise, a secret society of black men with magical powers working to appease white people so they don't go on to take out their frustrations on vulnerable minorities, was presented in the marketing in a way that was simultaneously too satirical and not nearly satirical enough, and the film's desire to play with and deconstruct the titular trope didn't give audiences who weren't familiar with it and wanted a story about "black wizards" what they wanted either. And that's to say nothing of coming out in a politically polarized time in American history when even discussing tropes surrounding race frequently draws lots of backlash. It dramatically underperformed, and slunk out of theaters in less than a month.
