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YMMV / Tech Romancer

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  • Game-Breaker: The Steel Dash, a non-damaging attack every character can use that leaves the opponent wide open to any follow-up attack the player may choose... including the One-Hit Kill Finishing Move.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Rafaga is a Valkyrie rip-off in blue and yellow. A few years down the line in 2008, Transformers would release a Treadbolt, a redeco of a Jetfire toy in blue and yellow. Why is this related? Jetfire's original toy was literally a VF-1S with different stickers, meaning Treadbolt is a direct descendant of the Valkyrie.
  • Serial Numbers Filed Off: The game runs on this, virtually every character is an ersatz version of a famous mecha/character, and the game sells itself on "what if you had a fighting game where Ultraman can punch out Mazinger and the winner fights a Gundam?"
    • G. Kaiser is Mazinger Z in all but name. Its overall silhouette, its Rocket Punch, Chest Blaster, and waist-mounted missiles, built by the protagonist's grandfather and comprised entirely of Unobtainium.
    • Nakato's storyline as a whole is more or less a retread of Gundam's tropes. The Dixen has Gundam-inspired equipment and moves, and the end of Nakato's story mode even mirrors the end of Mobile Suit Gundam, with Nakato being found by his friends while he's floating through space in his ruined mecha.
    • Rafaga is a Valkyrie from Macross. It's a mass-produced military mecha with three modes, robot, jet, and a halfway mode (called Spinner mode), just like the Valkyrie's famous GERWALK mode. It's also a fan of missile spam.
