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YMMV / Swarm Simulator

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  • Game-Breaker:
    • The Bat and Swarmwarp mutations. Bats boost the effect of all energy-costing abilities, and mutating them makes them boost even more. Swarmwarp gains huge amounts of effectiveness when mutated. Before your first ascension, Swarmwarp will put you 15 minutes forward. Put mutagen points into Bats and Swarmwarp and you can skip days of work in a single Swarmwarp. In the Updated Re-release, it gets even more overpowered when combined with the Conduit Elixir and enough Lepidoptera — simply pop the elixir at low energy then use a Swarmwarp, and you'll instantly gain a massive amount of energy, if not maxing it out. This was nerfed out so that swarmwarps no longer give you the energy from Conduit Elixirs anymore.
    • House of Mirrors. This multiplies your current army by a fixed amount and costs 2.5k energy (10k energy in Evolution). Unlike Clone Larvae, there is no cap to the max amount of army units you can have when cloning. With enough Mutagen in Bats to boost this, you can easily multiply your army to ridiculously high levels that meat can't afford while obtaining lots of territory for expansions to dramatically increase your larvae gain rate (vital in the endgame since larvae is a huge limiting factor). The downside is the huge energy cost (in Evolution), but the massive amount of territory, expansions and thus larvae rate boost is more than worth the cost. Tellingly, this was nerfed to no longer use Bats' Mutation nor multiplier anymore.
