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YMMV / Stompin' Tom Connors

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  • Archive Panic: Ya think? The guy was recording since the late 60s! He recorded more than one album a year during the 70s, then he went on hiatus until the late 80s, when he came back and did another ten, right up until he passed away. Then add live albums on top of all that. And then, there's previously unreleased material coming out posthumously. There's a lot of compilations handy to make this easier for newcomers, though.
  • Narm Charm: Is his Canadian pride a bit hokey sometimes, and laid on a bit thick? Maybe, but it wouldn't be Stompin' Tom without that.
  • Vindicated by History: Stompin' Tom had some difficulty getting on commercial radio for much of his life, as people considered him a novelty. In fact, Bud The Spud And Other Favorites was released in 1969, and it took until 1998 for it to go gold. In a bit of Self-Deprecation, he took it on the chin and titled one of his albums The Unpopular Stompin’ Tom Connors. There's something to be said for consistency, and he kept touring relentlessly, being a popular concert draw right to the end. By the time he passed away, Stompin' Tom Connors was inarguably a national icon.
