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YMMV / Star Trek: The Video Game

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  • Misblamed: While much derision was leveled towards Namco Bandai for the game's glitches and unplayable co-op mode on PC, they only published the game. Digital Extremes developed it off the "Evolution" engine used for Dark Sector (which also had many reported bugs and glitches) in 2009.
  • Obvious Beta: The PC version of the game. Aside from the significant issue of co-op (a main selling point) not working at all for PC players, despite claims from the game's senior producer that it was working as intended, the unpatched game is filled with bugs, clipping issues and wonky AI behaviour.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Although it was initially hoped that the game would be good considering that it was announced as an highly ambitious AAA game developed with assistance from Paramount, and as a semi-sequel to the critically-praised 2009 film, it was soon discovered to be anything but. The game garnered (as of launch week) roughly 45% on Metacritic, and was panned for its nonfunctional co-op mode on PC, frequent glitches and lackluster graphics.
