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YMMV / Star Trek: The Next Generation S4E6 "Legacy"

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: The narrative around Ishara and her character arc is designed to invite this and leave the viewer wondering at her exact motivations (and even in-universe, the crew is left with questions). Was she exclusively just a double agent, trying to get into a position to get her implant removed and into a position where she could cripple the Alliance? Was she really hesitating and thinking of leaving it all behind instead of following her gang's plan, or was that just part of the deception? Did it waver depending on the exact moment? Did she change her mind about her sister, or did the facts of Tasha's death not really change her opinion about Tasha? It's all left (deliberately) ambiguous, as difficult to parse for the viewer as it is for Data, who feels the sting of the final act's betrayal most keenly and has the most difficulty fully processing it.
  • Values Resonance: This is one of those episodes that autistic folks who resonate with Data appreciate, because his difficulty parsing Ishara's sideways-betrayal of the crew, wherein she helps them with their objective but doesn't intend to come with them and instead wants to use the opportunity to do something monstrous and advantageous for her gang, reflects the flummoxing many autistic people feel at more complex, multi-faceted social interactions (albeit most folks probably won't have to deal with one quite this dramatic).
