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YMMV / Star Trek: The Next Generation S1E15 "Too Short a Season"

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  • Captain Obvious Reveal: Given that Admiral Jameson starts out so obviously as a young man in old-man makeup, you can guess that the character is going to show up much younger in a later scene from the moment you see him,
  • Narm: No, seriously, it is flagrantly obvious that Jameson is a young person wearing makeup (Clayton Rohner was just 31 at the time). It isn't helped by Rohner's incredibly over the top performance before he starts to get younger. He comes off more as someone doing a comical impression of an old person. (That said, as Jameson de-ages, Rohner’s performance retains the hammy elements even as it grows more focused and adopts some restraint. This suggests that Jameson was always a Kirk-esque Large Ham even in his youth, and his cornier moments as an old man were simply who he is.)
  • Special Effect Failure: And that makeup ranges from laughably unconvincing when Jameson is at his oldest, to still being pretty mediocre when he's middle-aged. This was because Jameson was originally scripted to appear in his 60s (for which his actor would have worn makeup), then his 30s (which wouldn't have required makeup), and finally as a teenager (who would have been played by a different actor). At the last minute however, it was changed to him starting out in his 80s, then in his 50s, and finally his 30s, meaning that two separate sets of makeup were required instead of just the one, effectively cutting the preparation time the makeup team had in half.
  • Unintentionally Sympathetic: Jameson giving the other side of a civil war weapons is meant to be a sign of his Moral Event Horizon. However, the fact is that he was giving it to the other side of a war that did NOT seize Federation hostages for arms. Certainly, Kirk did the same in "A Private Little War" and letting the ruler of the planet get away with what he did would be repulsive. Even Picard, generally one of the most morally upright captains of Starfleet, makes it clear that he doesn't condemn Jameson's actions even if he doesn't outright approve of them.
