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YMMV / Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S02E07 "Rules of Acquisition"

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  • Ho Yay: This episode is notable as containing one of the few explicit references to homosexuality in the franchise, when Dax figures out that Pel is in love with Quark, and is then surprised to learn that she's a woman. Of course, a Trill would have a bit of a different view on this kind of thing.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The episode opens with Pel telling Quark about sand peas that make people thirsty so they drink more, which would boost profits at his bar. The main plot of the episode concerns the two securing a trade negotiation for tula berries to make wine, but the idea never occurs to either of them to bring sand peas into things in any way, such as offering the peas to the Dosi so they can make more profit, too.
  • Values Dissonance: The Ferengi's habit of groping women is played for lighthearted comedy, with Quark characterized as a lovable scamp and Zek as a harmless Dirty Old Man. In more modern times, such sexual assault is treated much more seriously and would likely be used for stronger Kick the Dog moments.
