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YMMV / Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki

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  • Genius Bonus: Hnoss, in norse mythology, was a Vanir (one of the three types og gods, along with Aesir and Jotuns) and the daughter of Freya and Od. Nothing is known about her, but her name menas (more or less) Relic, so saying that it's a magical artifact is not too much of a stretch.
  • Les Yay:
    • Dear God, where do we start!? Well, chronologically, the first instance is when Chiaki glomps Yuuki and starts fondling her breasts...which, it should be noted, is the first time we saw a girl within five feet of Yuuki.
    • And let's not forget Freya's attempted rape on Yuuki. One of the few examples to not be played for laughs.
    • Seems to be the case with Shebi and Otsana.
