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YMMV / South Park S10 E3 "Cartoon Wars, Part One"

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  • Memetic Mutation: "You think that's bad?"
  • Misaimed Fandom: While it's quite obvious from all of the pot-shots taken that Trey and Matt are not fans of Family Guy, they have expressed some frustration at the number of South Park fans and Family Guy detractors who believe that the episode is nothing but a 22-minute rant about a show they don't like, seemingly ignoring the discussion on artistic freedom and its limitations brought on by the controversy surrounding the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten publishing cartoons depicting Mohammad. They have also gone on record as saying that while they do not like being compared with Family Guy, they actually have some respect for the show (namely, that it has a large viewer base and can provide a cheap laugh for some), and do not think it should be taken off the air.
  • Rooting for the Empire: It's not hard to root for Cartman in this situation, considering what a divisive show Family Guy is, especially if you personally dislike it as many in the audience (and the creators) do.
