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  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: already saw a modicum of success in their home country of Sweden, but it saw even greater success in Japan. They were so beloved there, that their music was frequently licensed for DanceDance Revolution, where their song "Butterfly" ended up being seen as the franchise's Signature Song.
    • This knowledge of them through DDR resulted in another surge of popularity for; this time in America. From the usage of their song "Mr. Wonderful", it was paired alongside a scene from the Invader Zim episode "Attack of the Saucer Morons" where GIR is seen dancing at a rave with a bunch of goth girls. This not only led to becoming more popular in the U.S. thanks to Memetic Mutation, but also particularly in the Goth subculture as GIR's signature song, because goths love GIR.
  • Signature Song: "Butterfly", with "Mr. Wonderful" in a close second.
  • Song Association: Go ahead and try to find someone in North America who doesn't associate "Butterfly" with its appearance in DanceDance Revolution, or internationally in every Chinese-made bootleg toy phones.
