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YMMV / Sir Mix-A-Lot

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  • Awesome Music: "Baby Got Back".
  • Best Known for the Fanservice: Why else would "Baby Got Back" be a number-one hit?
  • Crosses the Line Twice: "One Time's Got No Case" has a bit of dialogue on the breakdown where Mix-A-Lot, imitating an onlooker, cheers his own beating by racist cops.
    "Hit 'im again! Aw, hit 'im again!!"
  • Fair for Its Day: "Baby Got Back" sounds shallow and objectifying nowadays, but it was actually a body positivity message at the time. The song's opening features two white women body shaming a black woman, and Mix-A-Lot then comes in to refute them that he in fact finds the woman attractive because of her large butt — in effect declaring that there are multiple forms of beauty, implying that everyone is attractive to someone. It's also criticizing how standards of beauty in the African-American community were more commonly looked down on because they didn't meet the more Anglo standards.
  • Fountain of Memes: Every line of "Baby Got Back" has been quoted out of context at one point or another.
  • Funny Moments: In "Baby Got Back", one of the song's lyrics is "So ladies, if the butt is round, and you wanna triple-X throw down, dial 1-900-MIX-A-LOT and kick those nasty thoughts". When a law student got a new phone, he ended up getting the phone number referred to in the song — Hilarity Ensues. Check out the story here.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Some people think "Baby Got Back" is actually titled "I Like Big Butts".
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: "A lot of simps won't like this song" note.
  • Narm Charm: "Baby Got Back" is about as silly and juvenile as a rap tune can get, and is all the better as a result. Though considered an example of dirty rap, it's very tame by comparison to other songs in the genre, and it may have been explicit and controversial for its time, but far worse gets produced every single day now.
  • Never Live It Down: In several TV appearances, he relates stories about men who meet him in public and ask for his "seal of approval" on their girlfriends' butts. Clearly, his opinion on the subject is still valued.
  • Signature Song: "Baby Got Back", of course.
  • WTH, Costuming Department?: In interviews about the song, he's snarked pretty heavily about his outfit in the "Baby Got Back" video, saying that a somewhat heavyset black man in a dark brown suit, standing in the middle of a giant fake ass looks really, really wrong.
