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YMMV / Shogun Warriors

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  • Complete Monster: Lord Maur-Kon is the leader of the Followers of the Darkness, who are intent on destroying the Shogun Warriors and establishing a dominion of evil over the world. Woken up from millions of years of hibernation since a war between his people and the Followers of the Light, Maur-Kon creates a giant monster and sends it to rampage across Tokyo. When the Shogun Warriors stop this attack, Maur-Kon endangers a train full of innocents to lure them into a trap. When the treachery of his Lieutenant Magar causes them to capture the Shogun Warrior Combatra and its pilot Genji Odashu, Maur-Kon plots to use Combatra to destroy the other Shogun Warriors and conquer the world. Defeated, Maur-Kon disguises himself as a member of the Interstellar Charter by brainwashing hundreds of Drones into becoming his slaves. He allies himself with Doctor Demonicus and equips him with technology he uses to create and unleash more Kaiju on Earth, eventually attempting to drop a massive asteroid on the planet and rule over what is left. After Demonicus is defeated, Maur-Kon manipulates the members of the Charter into attacking the Shogun Warriors and killing the last Followers of the Light. Maur-Kon plans to use the Charter to rid himself of any threats to his plot to conquer Earth, eventually unleashing a robot with the power to destroy the planet of his enemies and threatening to destroy New York if they don't surrender to him.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Somewhat surprisingly, despite the fact that the Shogun Warriors toyline did include a Godzilla toy, and Marvel was publishing a Godzilla comic at the same time, and both titles were written by Doug Moensch, and the villain Doctor Demonicus showed up in both books, the three robots never got to meet Godzilla in the comics. The licensing agreements between the two properties just couldn't mesh. According to Archie Goodwin, this obstacle is why Moensch introduced the very Shogun-esque giant robot Red Ronin into the Godzilla comic.
