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YMMV / Shining Tears

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  • Audience-Alienating Premise: A good number of fans of the Shining Series don't like this game or the other PS2 Shining games because they changed the style of gameplay from turn based RPG to action RPG. While this isn't a perfect game, (like any other game is), there are people that dislike it for its change in gameplay style and others saying that It's not Shining Force, while others see the game as fun and entertaining despite the changes.
  • Game-Breaker: Blanc Neige's Ice Wall. If you can set it up, it stays there for a long time, dealing big enough damage per seconds constantly, killing normal enemies with ease and if you can lure a boss to the wall, the ice wall can make a short work of the boss. And if the boss is stationary, you can just plant the ice wall and worry about dodging as the boss just waits to die. It's part of the reasons why a lot of people like to partner with Neige.
  • That One Boss: Galahad when the player first fights him in the Raid of the Elven Forest mission. To wit, the player is on a narrow space of area that they maneuver on while the guy decides to fly around and drop bombs on you. Half the time will be spent on running around avoiding him and the orc enemies that deal elemental attacks that can deal a lot of damage without resistant gear. There's only one way he'll stop flying and that only takes about 2-3 seconds in which the player is likely spending the time to actually just dodge the bombs he throws at you. One saving grace is that if Elwyn is their partner, she has an ability that allows her to deal more damage to flying enemies like this boss.
  • That One Level: The Dark Mask. First, the level mostly consists of undead enemies, which means that they'll likely use Ryunna since her Turn Undead spell kills them for good and the player can deal more damage against them with her. Second, the boss at the end of the level is very challenging to defeat due to his elemental attacks. Finally, the player can't go to the promenade to buy the best healing items or soul returns to revive your partner, meaning you have to hope they're lucky to find them in previous stages or bought the maximum number before you can't enter the promenade.
