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YMMV / Santa Sangre

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  • Designated Villain: Orgo is a philanderer and clearly not a nice person, but his most overt abuse toward Fenix (tattooing him with a knife) appears to be genuinely intended as a bonding experience, meant to make him more macho, and maybe make Fenix less of a mama's boy. (Which would have been a very good thing if it had worked...) Orgo's one act of true violence comes seconds after his wife dissolves his genitals with acid. That said, it is stated that he cannot return to America because he killed some women.
  • Faux Symbolism: There are plenty of symbols that aren't clear (circus imagery, a murder victim becoming a dove in a nightmare).
  • Tear Jerker: The elephant's death scene, to anyone who knows what it's like to lose a pet. Fenix crying makes it even more heartrending, especially during the elephant's funeral. The scene treads slightly into The "Fun" in "Funeral" territory, with the clowns crying Ocular Gushers, and then the elephant's carcass is thrown off and butchered by the homeless people.
