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  • Audience-Alienating Premise: It's an allegedly-cute love story about a mass-murderer without redeeming qualities who never suffers any consequences for their actions, a borderline Wish-Fulfillment Escapist Character for edgy people, and a person whose lack of villainous success is clearly due to their lack of imagination or ambition rather than a lack of desire to do harm to others who decided to become a career criminal solely out of teenaged rebellion and spite, all done through the medium of TikTok shorts. It's not the most accessible premise in the world and there's a reason many reject it.
  • Jerks Are Worse Than Villains: By any objective metric, Chad, while not a good person, is still a better person than Alex, who is an unrepentant mass murderer. But Chad is also a self-involved asshole who refuses to listen to Morgan, while Alex is entertaining, competent, and has a genuinely endearing dynamic with Morgan. So, it's very easy for the audience to root for Alex against him, even though he's trying to bring a supervillain to justice.
  • Love to Hate: Chad is obnoxious, oblivious, and egotistical, but so over-the-top and so well-contrasted with Alex and Morgan that it's hard not to be entertained.
  • One True Pairing: Virtually the entire audience is rooting for Alex/Morgan to become canon.
