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YMMV / Robotix

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  • Angst? What Angst?: At the end, the humans decide to stay on Skalorr without a second thought about their lives back home.
  • Designated Love Interest: Near the end, Argus calls Narra "my beloved Narra". That's the only indication we get that the two were an item.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The leader of the Terrakors is named Nemesis, voiced by Peter Cullen, (aka. the original Optimus Prime), in the 2000s Hasbro introduced the idea of an evil clone of Optimus called Nemesis Prime.
  • Squick: Whenever Robotix take damage, small bits such as bolts fall off their frames and the bigger the blow they receive, the squickier the metallic sounds they make become, so, for example, when Goon rips Jerrock's arm off, you can almost feel the weight of the injury.
