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YMMV / Revenge of the Titans

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  • Difficulty Spike: The first time you see a Giant Titan, you'll likely only have the normal and heavy blasters, and you'll probably be low on funds to build them. It also shows up while other Titans are still filing in from all sides. It's about this time that you need to learn to sell off refineries when you're done with them and to get rid of turrets you don't need anymore. It's on the final level of Earth, by the way.
  • Moment of Awesome: The Commander. You're sitting back shooting Titans with blaster turrets. He's out there beating them to death with his bare hands. It's only shown in between missions, though, and it's really just him telling you he did. You should probably take it with a grain of salt.
  • Goddamned Bats - The armored Titans. They take loads of hits and the first time you see them, you've hardly got the turrets to handle them. They also have some elements of Lightning Bruiser, because they move a good deal faster than other Titans.
