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YMMV / Residents of Proserpina Park

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  • Awesome Music: All of the original scores count, but special mention goes to the theme music “Proserpina Bop.” It is light and bouncy electronic jazz that perfectly fits the whimsical laidback nature of the show.
  • Friendly Fandoms: Gets along quite well with fellow audio dramas Gather the Suspects, Spaceships, The Strata, and Care & Feeding of Werewolves. All five shows premiered around the same time as each other, and are often recommended together. Their creators are on friendly terms with one another, and are fans of each other’s work.
  • Unconventional Learning Experience: As mention on the main page, the goal of the show is to teach listeners about creatures from across mythology and folklore in an entertaining way. The emphasis on lesser known creatures means it is possible to learn quite a bit about the more obscure corners of mythology and folklore.
