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YMMV / Rebuild The Capital

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  • Game-Breaker: The mod has no shortage of powerful unique weapons, but the Tale of Two Wastelands version turns one of them, Tickler, into an absolute monster. Specifically, Tickler is a minigun that also functions as a shotgun (even using 12 gauge shells) that qualifies for several shotgun based perks. Of these, "And Stay Back" from Dead Money is included, a perk that grants each shot a 10% chance per pellet to knock a target down. Normally the perk is balanced by even semi-automatic shotguns being slower to fire, but Tickler being a minigun means it takes mere seconds to successfully hit the knockdown chance, even with slug rounds. And best of all, the weapon isn't even hard to find, being in the possession of a mandatory boss found during Operation Fly Swatter and easily distinguishable by having Combat Knives taped to the barrel.
