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YMMV / Rebel Assault

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  • It's Hard, So It Sucks!:
    • Many people were, somewhat understandably, turned off of the first game entirely just because of how brutal and unforgiving it is. Your ship can only sustain about five or so hits (maybe more if you're careful enough between hits to let your damage cool down) before losing a life, and the game expects you to maneuver through some extremely tight corridors with ridiculously touchy and oversensitive controls. It doesn't help either that the game suffers a serious case of Save-Game Limits on earlier versions, as you will only be supplied a Password Save following every third level you complete. Even people who were wowed by the game back when it first came out generally never saw the game past the first few levels.
    • The second game also applies, since it gets difficult as early as the third level, and while some levels stand out in terms of difficulty, it never truly lets up.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel: The second game, though not acclaimed by any means, significantly polished the controls and removed a lot of the frustrating aspects that plagued the first game, leading to a much more enjoyable experience.
  • That One Level:
    • The third level of the second game, in which you must fly the Corellia Star through a twisting series of rock tunnels, is considered the point in which the game undergoes a severe Difficulty Spike due to how hard and unforgiving the sequence is.
    • "TIE Training," midway through the second game, is also rather difficult, due to you having to navigate a narrow canyon with a fragile TIE fighter.
    • The speeder bike sequence on Imdaar forces you to dodge obstacles while shooting down aerial predators, which is a rather difficult task.
