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YMMV / The March of the Exeggutor Squad

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  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Maggy/Melvin. Dogasu's Backpack summarizes it like this:
    The writers start off by making Maggy sympathetic loser, but they throw that away during the second half in favor of making him a creepy asshole. Think about what he does for a minute. He manipulates a ten year old's mind to have him catch a bunch of pokemon on his behalf so he can hypnotize other people and force them to attend his crappy magic show. I mean, ignoring the fact that Maggy somehow separated Satoshi from his friends for a moment (I'm imagining him distracting Kasumi and Takeshi by saying "Look! Over there!" before grabbing his new hypnotized boy toy), wouldn't you think Kasumi and Takeshi would be a little more pissed off at the guy for essentially kidnapping their friend? Why do the people in this episode act like the stuff he did wasn't any big deal?
  • Woolseyism: In the original, Melvin wanted to take his show to Broadway. As Broadway doesn’t host magic shows, the dub changed his goal to Las Vegas.
