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YMMV / Bye Bye Butterfree

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  • Ensemble Dark Horse: The Pink Butterfree got a lot of fan attention for her pretty color scheme. After shiny Pokemon were introduced the very next generation, plenty of players were disappointed that they couldn't have a pink Butterfree of their own due to the shiny's different coloration.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Later generations would introduce Shiny Pokémon, which are extremely rare variants that have different color schemes. One would think the Pink Butterfree would be one of these, but Butterfree's actual Shiny instead gives it green eyes and pink on its wings rather than its body. However, a later episode of the anime does introduce Pinkan Island, where subsisting on special berries turns Pokémon pink, thus serving as a possible retroactive explanation for its color scheme beyond mere gender coding.
  • Tear Jerker: Ash saying goodbye to Butterfree is widely regarded as one of the first truly great emotional moments in the anime, though for some the emotion is lessened when the upbeat sounding theme song starts playing.
