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YMMV / Planetcopia

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  • Accidentally-Correct Writing: Multiple studies have shown the Turnovia climate predictions to be accurate.
  • Fetish Retardant: The furry drawings. This makes far too many otherwise-interesting pages NSFW; interesting pages on geography and flora interrupted with what amounts to porn.
  • Narm: The incredibly detailed, hard science, and well-researched geography, climate maps, and planetary statistics interspersed with very silly, cartoonish-looking, and unlikely fauna, which often amounts to little more than soft-core furry porn, can definitely strain the readability and believability of the otherwise informative tone and subject matter.
  • Science Marches On: In order to make Venus habitable, the rotation was sped up. However, according to recent climate research, this would actually make Venus less habitable.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: A lot of hard-sci-fi and speculative-biology fans like the effort put into making the planets themselves believable, but really wish the same amount of effort had been applied to the native life forms, along the lines of Snaiad.
