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YMMV / Plan Bee

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  • Accidental Nightmare Fuel: Most of the film is poorly lit with hideous characters, particularly inside the hive.
  • Anvilicious:
    • The movie has a heavy handed Green Aesop that includes plenty of political subtext against George W. Bush.
    • Continuous use of American history to justify and illustrate themes, pro-revolutionary rhetoric, plus the fact that it happens to be set in Washington, DC.
  • Awesome Music: The special French horn performance by Mackenzie Merrill, played in full in the credits. One of the film's very few redeeming features.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: At one point, Bing appears to have a mental breakdown and chant 'bye-bye Bing' while looking dazed. This is never explained or expanded upon.
    • Joey is called Zoey when introduced.
  • Les Yay: The relationship between Bing and Bonnie. This depends on whether or not the viewer takes the writer's word for it that most of the worker bees are male.
  • Narm: The climactic fight scene between the worker bees and the Queen's guard. While probably intended to seem dramatic, the fight in fact comes across as very narmy; the music is overly dramatic and martial, and much of the fighting seems to consist of headbutting the opponent. The disturbing moaning also sounds very... strange to anybody who isn't watching. Meanwhile the Queen just sits there and stares, bug-eyed, at her regime collapsing around her.
    • After standing up to the Queen, Bing is being banished, and Queen's guard encircle him. Bing floats upwards with a daze look on his face, and the guards continue to advance inwards. The whole scene feels very strange.
  • Nightmare Fuel: With her angered expression, sharp teeth, and raspy voice, Queen Akif can be very creepy, particularly in the poorly lit hive scenes.
  • Periphery Demographic: The Target Audience appears to be well-meaning parents or other relatives who buy the film for their children, thinking it's the real Bee Movie. However, being very memetic due to its absurd anti-imperialist plot, hideous character design, and bees making honey by vomiting, a significant proportion of viewers watch it precisely because it's so appalling.
  • So Bad, It's Good: An awful, cheaply-made rip-off of the Bee Movie with lousy animation, terrible plot and worse characters? Nothing short of hilarious.
