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YMMV / Paul Sussman

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  • Complete Monster: Casper Dravic in The Lost Army of Cambyses is a one-time promising archaeologist whose career was blighted by a propensity towards violence which he was initially able to get away with thanks to his family connections (namely, the fact that he grew up in East Germany where his father was a prominent Communist official). This lasted until he beat and raped a dig volunteer; although he avoided being sent to prison, he was finished as an archaeologist and shunned by everyone in that profession as a result. Tellingly, his only regret about what he did is that he should have killed the poor girl as this would have prevented her from reporting it to the police. Descending into the murky world of illegal antiquities dealing, he acquired a highly undesirable reputation. He enjoys interrogating his victims by threatening to mutilate them with a sharpened trowel, and has no hesitation in doing so even if they give him the information he wants, in addition to which he likes to stub his cigars out on their bodies. Anyone who knows about him wants as little to do with him as possible, even the hardcore Islamic fundamentalist for whom he works.
