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YMMV / Mystery Science Theater 3000 S02 E02: The Sidehackers

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The tiny picture at the beginning of the movie has the exact proportions of an iPhone camera clip, which did not exist yet at the time the episode was filmed.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Cambot’s one line of dialogue outside the Robot Roll Calls.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: The episode is best known for the movie's violent rape scene that the crew was unaware of because no one had watched the whole thing before committing themselves to using it. The uncut film is now available on YouTube so the morbidly curious can see it for themselves.
  • Special Effect Failure: During the "Sidehackin'" song in segment #1, the cast uses a blue screen to show footage of the movie in the background. Too bad Joel is wearing a teal jumpsuit and Crow is playing a teal guitar; the movie footage repeatedly bleeds into both of them. (It also consistently fails to match parts of the actual blue screen because of shadows and issues at the edges!)
